Densitron - Coronavirus Supply Chain Update – March 2020
Densitron is largely Business as Usual.
While the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting all of us, I would like to reassure you that Densitron continues to operate on a largely ‘business as usual’ basis, with all our teams across the world still available to support our customers. Our business continuity plans have leveraged our existing well-established IT systems to enable remote working for most departments in the business across most of the world. As such, please continue to contact us and work with us as normal.
All of our production partners are also now operational, and we are working through some of the delays that have been caused due to lack of components. Thank you for your patience during these difficult times, we are making good progress addressing any residual backlog of orders to be shipped. Your local representative is available to answer any questions you may have and provide updates as needed.
Densitron is a financially secure business with a strong balance sheet, so while these difficult times are likely to put pressure on many businesses, our reserves are significant, and we believe should provide a high degree of resilience so you can continue to be confident working with us into the future. Indeed, later in the year, we will celebrate Densitron’s 50th year – a reflection of the company’s resilience over 5 decades through many economic shocks.
Kind regards,
Simon Jones
Global Managing Director
Thank you for your patience during these difficult times, we are making good progress addressing any residual backlog of orders to be shipped.

Contact us
For more information about Densitron or any of our products and services please contact one of our regional offices or contact@densitron.com